Add Event | Pittsburgh City Paper

Submit an Event

While we strive to list as many events as possible, we reserve the right to exclude listings and edit event descriptions for clarity.

Events submitted between Friday Afternoon - Sunday night may not be reviewed or set 'Live' until Monday.
Events must take place within one hour of Pittsburgh.

Step 1: Choose an Event Type
Location Details
  • Enter 4 or more letters to find matches.
    • Blue Moon

      5115 Butler St., Pittsburgh Lawrenceville


Step 2: Event
Required fields are marked with a dot:
Date format: MM/DD/YYYY
Ex: 03/15/2025
Event Date
Time format: HH:MM AM/PM
Ex: 3:14 PM
Start Time
Time format: HH:MM AM/PM
Ex: 3:14 AM
End Time
(100 word max)
Want to Get More Attendees?

Please include area code and hyphens. ex: 222-345-6789
(jpg, gif, png, or webp) Max 5MB
For best appearance, we recommend uploading square images, sized at least 300px wide.
Upload Image Drag and drop an image here or
select an image
Starting Date:
Select the pattern of repetition for this object and if it should repeat until further notice or until a specific date. When complete, press update to save your settings.

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